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About the Author

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Lorraine Dey

Lenore Cortina, Ed.D.  has been involved with gifted education for over 30 years as a parent, general education teacher, teacher of the gifted, school administrator, state and local advocate for gifted learners, consultant, and university assistant professor.


The issues that very young gifted learners confront as they begin school can create challenges for the learners, teachers and parents. The book series and task books were inspired by numerous pleas over the years from primary teachers for challenging, yet developmentally appropriate reading materials for young gifted learners. 



In addition to writing the Dragonflier Kids book series and curriculum units, Dr. Cortina works with school districts to develop programs and services for

K-12 gifted learners.   Dr. Cortina consults with district administrators and gifted coordinators to design and deliver targeted professional development in gifted education, differentiated instructional strategies for K-12 educators, curriculum modification and identification procedures. 


Visit our consulting website for detailed information::

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